
Poor leg circulation can arise from a physiological malfunction, an actual impingement of the blood vessels or a combination of both. It is generally recommended that a person with concerns should consult with their physician to rule out possible physiological implications.

Office settings, characterized by prolonged periods of seated inactivity, often contribute to poor leg circulation—an increasingly prevalent health concern among office workers, that is often associated with impingement of the blood vessels. The standard office chair design often doesn’t account for the detrimental effects it can have on leg circulation and usually a responsible manufacturer will ensure that the chair is fitted to ensure minimal impingement on the underside of the knee or popliteus. Selecting the right office chair, one that promotes movement and blood flow, becomes a crucial aspect in maintaining optimal health during long working hours. In this context, the CoreChair emerges as a potential solution, touted as the best office chair for poor leg circulation.

Ergonomic solutions, particularly when it comes to office seating, are critical for those dealing with poor leg circulation. An ill-fitting or poorly designed office chair can exacerbate circulation problems, leading to discomfort, health issues, and ultimately impacting productivity. On the other hand, the best office chair for poor leg circulation, such as the CoreChair, is designed to promote active sitting, encouraging subtle movement and improved posture.

Lower extremity blood circulation

During the development of this active sitting solution, CoreChair was investigated by University of Guelph and Memorial University where they both measured calf circumference, indicative of venous return, compared to traditional high end ergonomic office chairs.

In both studies the results demonstrated that there was a significant reduction of calf circumference in subjects using the CoreChair.

To better understand why this phenomena occurs it is valuable to consider that venous return in general is controlled by the pressure exerted in these blood vessels from the pumping of the heart.

In prolonged static sitting where the feet are obviously much lower than the heart, it is difficult for the blood to struggle against gravity to return to the heart.

Furthermore, poor circulation and the symptoms of swelling ankles in particular can also be explained by the challenge of circulating the lymphatic fluids. Lymphatic fluid and the lymph system in general is responsible for cleansing our blood. This lymphatic system does not have a pump like the heart to assist with return flow, even if this might be somewhat impaired by gravity. As such, the lymphatic system relies on muscle activity to assist in moving lymph fluids.

In both cases, the bloods struggle against gravity and the lymph fluid struggle to circulate, both benefit from muscle activity.

How does CoreChair assist in poor circulation

The inherent instability, albeit very slight, encourages the intrinsic firing of muscle masses to counter these instabilities. It is these subtle muscle activities that assist the heart with the venous return and literally massage the lymphatic fluids back to the central lymph nodes to transfer the cleansed lymph fluid.

The Search for the Perfect Office Chair

Among the contenders, the CoreChair stands out as one of the best office chairs for poor leg circulation. Offering a unique combo of comfort and active sitting, the CoreChair helps to combat the sedentary lifestyle that is often associated with office work. Its dynamic design encourages subtle movement and pivoting, enhancing circulation and reducing the risk of leg and lower back discomfort. The search may be challenging but with the right chair, sitting for long hours need not compromise your health.

Ergonomic office chairs, such as the CoreChair, are essential to address problems related to poor leg circulation often experienced by individuals who maintain a sedentary lifestyle due to their work demands. These chairs are designed with innovative features aimed at promoting movement, enhancing comfort, and most importantly, improving circulation. For those struggling with poor leg circulation, the impact of these chairs can be significant. They can help mitigate the risks of deep vein thrombosis, leg fatigue, and other circulation-related complications. By encouraging micro-movements, chairs like the CoreChair are indeed the best office chairs to address and prevent poor leg circulation.

In addition to the movement that assists circulation, proper fitting and application using the CoreChair is further enhanced as the intended position is to assume an upright balanced sitting stature with an open hip angle.


As the hip angle is opened there is less potential impingement on the major blood vessels ascending and descending through the pelvic region. This open hip angle further enhances blood flow through the leg and behind the knee, as this position also causes this space to open up while the users feet are placed flat and comfortably on the floor.

Therefore, the hip angle and the knee angle are more open.

To better appreciate this circulation impact, consider what happens when we slightly bend or pinch a garden hose. The flow is diminished. Same situation is occurring in our bodies.

When seeking the ideal office chair for poor leg circulation, several considerations come into play. Firstly, the chair should have a height-adjustable setting to ensure the feet are flat on the ground and the knees are at greater than 90-degree angle, thus promoting proper blood flow. Secondly, the seat should not become in contact with the soft tissues in the back of the knee. Preventative measures often suggest a distance of at least 2-3 inches away from this area. In the case of the CoreChair seat design, the sculpted shape mechanically distributes the users center of mass evenly over the sit bones, hips and distal thigh, to reduce peak pressures that might potentially impinge the blood flow through the underside of the sitting surface. Ideally the perfect office chair should incorporate ergonomic design principles that encourage movement and posture variation, like the CoreChair, which is known for its active sitting innovation. Lastly, look for a chair with a high-quality cushion to alleviate pressure points and a breathable fabric to keep you comfortable during long sitting periods. Keep in mind, that comfort and adjustability should be prioritized for the best office chair for poor leg circulation. With the right office chair, you can experience a newfound level of comfort and mobility.

Unlike traditional office chairs, the CoreChair is designed specifically to combat the issues associated with poor leg circulation. Traditional office chairs often encourage a static sitting position, which can lead to reduced blood flow, especially in the lower extremities. CoreChair, on the other hand, promotes ‘active sitting’. This dynamic approach to seated posture engages your core muscles and facilitates subtle movement throughout the day through the activation of the muscles in your legs. In turn, this helps to enhance circulation, not just in your legs, but throughout your entire body. So, if poor leg circulation is a concern for you, the CoreChair could well be the best office chair option to consider.

Benefits of Using CoreChair

The CoreChair, touted as the best office chair for poor leg circulation, offers a host of benefits that make it an ideal choice for individuals suffering from this condition. Firstly, its unique design promotes “active sitting,” encouraging subtle movement, improving posture, and stimulating blood flow throughout the body, thus addressing leg circulation issues. Secondly, the adjustable settings on the CoreChair allow you to customize the chair according to your comfort level. Lastly, the CoreChair is backed by extensive research and medical endorsements, solidifying its reputation as an effective and reliable office chair for poor leg circulation.

The CoreChair is particularly beneficial for individuals with poor leg circulation, and here’s why:

  • Improved Circulation: CoreChair’s active sitting design encourages movement throughout the day, which can help to facilitate better blood flow in the legs and prevent circulation issues.
  • Enhanced Comfort: CoreChair offers superior comfort which can help reduce discomfort associated with poor leg circulation. The sculpted seat reduces peak pressures on the sit surface that can impede blood flow. While this unimpaired blood flow may not be noticeable to most, the more obvious positive symptom is comfort.
  • Posture Support: CoreChair aids in maintaining an upright posture, opening both the hip angle and the knee angle, reducing the pressure on the lower body and promoting overall better circulation.
  • Increased Energy: Regular movement, prompted by the active sitting design, can increase energy levels, which can often be low in individuals with poor leg circulation. Increased circulation means enhanced flow and transfer of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Versatility: The CoreChair is adjustable to fit the user’s personal comfort needs, making it an ideal office chair for those dealing with poor leg circulation.

In conclusion, the CoreChair is not just an office chair; it’s a solution for enhancing the quality of life for those with poor leg circulation.

Ensuring good leg circulation while working in an office setting is crucial for long-term health and the CoreChair can play a significant role in this aspect. Promoting active sitting and constant slight motion, helps prevent blood and lymphatic fluids from pooling in the legs, a common issue with many conventional office chairs. Over time, the use of an office chair like the CoreChair designed for poor leg circulation can help reduce the risk of various circulatory issues such as deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins, and leg swelling. Furthermore, active sitting encourages overall body movement, which can contribute to weight management, improved posture, and enhanced core strength, promoting general well-being and health in the long term.

To use the CoreChair effectively, start by adjusting the chair to your body. Ensure your hips are positioned with an open angle where your thighs are positioned on a slight downward slope from your hips to your knees. Your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are at a greater than 90-degree angle. The chair should allow gentle movements to stimulate blood circulation. CoreChair’s unique

design encourages optimal posture, so ensure that you are seated well into the sculpted seat pocket with the backrest snug to the top of your pelvis allowing the patented mechanism to engage your core while comfortably stabilizing your pelvis in an upright neutral position. It’s important to move frequently, even when sitting. Use the mobility of the chair to shift your position, twist your torso, and engage in subtle movements. These movements not only help to alleviate the issues related to poor leg circulation but also promote overall health. Remember, the CoreChair isn’t just an office chair – it’s a tool for active sitting and better circulation.

To start your day, adjust your CoreChair to a comfortable setting that promotes optimal posture and enhances blood flow. Engage in frequent active sitting by gently shifting your weight or changing your sitting position throughout the day by adjusting the height of the seat to floor. A very good rule to consider is that the next position is always the best. In many conventional chairs the user may be shifting their position as they fidget or squirm attempting to get comfortable in response to a burning sensation resulting from excess pressure points. This awareness of movement can help stimulate leg circulation.

Throughout your day be certain to take many mini breaks from your tasks to allow a more distinguished break from the sitting positions. During this time, utilize the dynamic feature of the CoreChair, engaging in subtle core exercises. This can help reduce the stiffness and lethargy associated with prolonged sitting. Whenever possible get up and move around where you can activate the larger muscles of your thighs and glutes to power assist your circulation and clear your systems.

During these breaks incorporate a routine of standing and stretching whenever practical and possible. This, combined with the movement offered by CoreChair, can greatly improve your leg circulation. Finally, before ending your workday, adjust the tension of the CoreChair to perform some light core strengthening exercises. This not only aids in better circulation but also contributes to overall core fitness. Remember, the best office chair for poor leg circulation is one that encourages movement and CoreChair is designed to do just that.

Remember that our bodies are designed to move and we perform best when we are moving the most.

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