
In today’s work environment, where many of us spend hours sitting at a desk, the importance of an ergonomically sound chair cannot be overstated. Active sitting chairs, such as the CoreChair, have emerged as a game-changer in promoting better posture, reducing back pain, and enhancing overall well-being. However, getting your Human Resources (HR) Department to invest in such a chair can be a challenge.

Understanding the Benefits of Active Sitting Chairs

Before approaching HR, it’s crucial to understand and articulate the benefits of active sitting chairs:

Enhanced Ergonomics: These chairs are designed to promote movement and support the natural curvature of the spine.

Reduction in Health Risks: Prolonged sitting in traditional chairs can lead to back pain and other musculoskeletal issues. Active sitting chairs help alleviate these risks.

Increased Productivity: Better comfort leads to enhanced concentration and productivity.

Long-term Health Benefits: Regular use can lead to improved posture, core strength, and overall health.

Research and Preparation

Gather Information: Research different models and their specific benefits. Understand the cost implications and potential return on investment (ROI) in terms of health benefits and productivity.

Your Needs: If you’ve experienced discomfort or health issues from your current chair, document these. A note from a healthcare provider can be a powerful tool in supporting your request.

Designing Your Active Sitting Chair Request

Be Professional and Concise: Write a professional email or letter to your HR representative. Clearly state your request, the reasons for it, and the benefits you believe an active sitting chair will bring.

Use Evidence to Support Your Case: Include research findings, articles, or case studies that highlight the benefits of active sitting chairs.

Personalize Your Request: Explain your personal situation, how the current chair impacts your health and work, and how an active sitting chair could make a difference.

Addressing Cost Concerns

Highlight the ROI: Emphasize how investing in an active sitting chair can save money in the long run by reducing health-related costs and improving productivity.

Suggest a Trial Period: Propose a trial period to test the chair and demonstrate its benefits before a wider implementation. (CoreChair offers a great money-back guarantee trial period on their products.)

Offer to Share the Cost of the Active Sitting Chair: If possible, offer to cover part of the cost. This shows your commitment and may make the proposal more appealing to HR.

Dealing with Potential Pushback

Be Prepared for Questions: HR may have concerns about cost, fairness, or setting a precedent. Be ready to address these with well-researched responses.

Offer Solutions, Not Problems: Present your request as a solution to a problem (improved health and productivity) rather than a personal demand.

Be Patient and Persistent: Change often takes time. If your initial request is declined, ask for feedback, and be prepared to follow up with additional information.

Leveraging Support

Get Support from Colleagues: If others in your office are also interested in active sitting chairs, consider making a joint request. There is strength in numbers.

Seek Endorsements from Health Professionals: A recommendation from a chiropractor, physiotherapist, or doctor can add weight to your request.

Follow-up and Negotiation

Follow Up on Your Request: Don’t just send an email and wait. Schedule a meeting to discuss your request in person.

Be Open to Compromise: If HR is hesitant, be open to trying less expensive alternatives or other ergonomic solutions they might suggest. (Second Chance Products are available from CoreChair at a fraction of the cost, on a first-come-first-serve basis. Email CoreChair directly to inquire about availability as supply is limited.)

Implementing the Active Sitting Chair

Share Your Experience: If your request is successful, share your experience with colleagues and HR. Positive feedback can encourage the adoption of similar chairs in the workplace.

Be a Role Model: Demonstrate the correct usage of the chair and its benefits to your health and productivity. This can encourage wider acceptance and adoption.

Requesting an active sitting chair from your HR department requires a blend of research, preparation, and effective communication. By clearly articulating the benefits, addressing potential concerns, and demonstrating a willingness to collaborate and compromise, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Remember, this is not just about getting a new chair—it’s about investing in your health and well-being at work.

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