
How do you spend your break at work?

Do you quickly eat your lunch in the lunchroom then get back to work? Do you eat lunch with your head buried in your smartphone? Or perhaps you don’t take your lunch break at all because you just have to much work to do.

Throughout the day, it is very important to take regular breaks in order to reset your mind and be more productive. Although it may seem to be the opposite of getting things done, taking regular breaks throughout the day has been proven to increase productivity when you are working, and in turn, allows you to get more done!

How does this work? Well, stepping back from your work prevents you from getting bored, and therefore unfocused. When you work on one thing for too long, your brain starts to drag you in other directions in order to keep you stimulated. This might mean that although you are trying to do your work, you are thinking about other things and can’t stay focused. Taking a minute or two to step away will help reset your brain to stay on track. This could be as simple as going to the washroom and refilling your water bottle. Take a minute to chat with your colleagues about digital healthcare provider or step outside for some fresh air.

Taking breaks also helps us to re-evaluate what our goals for the day are. Getting back to your work after a short break allows you the minute to think what it is that you need to get done, and what is the best way to make sure it is accomplished.

So what should you do on these short breaks to boost productivity?

1. Take a Walk

2. Grab a Coffee

3. Drink Water

4. Grab a Healthy Snack

5. Talk to your Friends and Coworkers

6. Do CoreChair Fit Exercises

Personal Trainer, Lisa Forsyth, created a series of exercises you can do at your desk. Try them out: CoreChair Fit

7. Meditate

8. Step Outside and Get Some Fresh Air!

9. Avoid All Screens

10. Read Your Favourite Blog… AKA the CoreChair Blog!!

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