
Dr. David Lee, a Chiropractor practicing in Toronto, Ontario, explains why a traditional ergonomic office chair is not the solution!

“When you are supporting, if you think about what a posture should be doing, a posture should be upright, all the natural curves of your spine should be supported and they should be in this position.

The ideal thing is that your muscles are actively keeping you there so that they remain strong. When you have things there like a chair, where you are forcing that lumbar curve, and forcing your arms to stay in a position so you are upright like this. It does keep you there which is again better for your posture to be in, but that is not what your body is intended to do those are kind of like braces, and when your having a brace on any part of your body, what happens is it supports that body but the muscles weaken over time making the stability for those areas worse and worse the longer you do those things.

If you can hold this posture and have the muscles engaged and keeping you there, that’s the ideal long terms scenario that is going to help you with that.”

Dr. David Lee is a Chiropractor working in Toronto, Ontario. His philosophy is to determine the underlying muscular or neurological functions rather than limiting his treatment to only one area of pain. Dr. David Lee is also a speaker and leads interactive seminars on topics including ergonomics, injury and prevention, fitness, and more!

Visit his website here.

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